I no longer edit this page. I created my own webpage Pleasurable Learning
I am Guillem Palau from Barcelona, Spain. My name translated to English is William Palace. I did suffered a lot in the school system. I wasted my potential. I may say more than usual as I did nothing better than repeating 3 times the same high school year, followed by studyng multiple bachelor and master’s degress in college. Now I do learn purely following my learn drive, which luckily survived all years of coercion and I am willing to put all efforts to put the Prussian school model to an end.
SuperMemo Guru article about me written by Piotr Wozniak.
Motivation to help other people to undo to harm done by the years of schooling coercion. Introduce people to the pleasure of learning, to restore their learn drive.
I will be able to increase my time commitment here. Hopefully in the future becoming my full time job.
I am translating this very same wiki. I am planning to translate large articles such incremental reading.
Here is the uncut footage I recorded during my initial familiarization to SuperMemo.
Videos are meant to serve as proof, rather than being watched on its entirety.
Notice that the playlist contains unlisted videos, so they won’t show up on Youtube channel or search.
Email: pleasurablelearning at gmail com
Discord: WilliamPalace#1890
YouTube channel
Pleasurable Learning Supermemo Focus on SuperMemo software.
Pleasurable Learning Focus on free learning.
Twitter @guillemlearner
focused on learning and schooling