Really did nothing. Still tired from having gone to sleep at 4.30 AM; however, it was worthy because I was reading a web novel.
(I am a web novel writer by trade)
After an attempted nap, smashed a full pomodoro back to back. Did 160 squats, 20 push ups, 40-40 hip raises and crunches and wrote 604 words.
Wrote for my book.
Working on concepts and connection for one subject (gastro).
Read Andy Matuschak article on prompts; found some concepts I don’t like.
Felt like a rotten pomodoro.
Neural Reviewed stuff. Made Clozes, repetitions and such*
Did some neural review. Downloaded Epubor and bought the software after having bought “How Writerns Journey from Comfort to Fluency” by Robert Boice. Imported it as a PDF.
Read How Writerns Journey from Comfort to Fluency" by Robert Boice and maede multiple extracts. This book is amazing.
Did some reps.